Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I miss bloggy world.

I miss my clean house. (If there ever was a thing? Probably not, but it makes me feel better to think that if I had time to do better... I would)

I miss my hubby and kids...NOT IN A UNIFORM of one kind or another.

I miss.... the "cool", "calm" me that I imagine myself to be.

But it's that time again...

Between work, school, guitar and piano lessons... and batting lessons -- there really, really is NO time left.

so... I'm calling in a sub some time this week so I can catch up on sleep, and maybe even give myself a chance to read up all the blogs that I miss reading!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

AND... He Scores.

This is THE most wonderful teenage boy we know!

15 years ago, we fell in love with him... and we couldn't love him anymore if he was our own!
(wow, that was a long time ago... and even then, you can see it written all over his sweet little face, that Josh wanted Tony to hold him)
Tony would spend hours, just holding him and praying that he would become the man God created him to become. (He said he was praying, looks like he was just sleeping to me)
Tony has gotten to teach him lots of things, but mostly... Josh has helped us.
Last night was the "Father vs. Son" basketball game at the high school.
Josh asked Uncle Tony to play with him.
My nephew has NEVER, in 15 years years... seen or talked with his dad; even though we all live in the same town. Last night at the game; for just a moment, my heart went out for them both, not just my nephew. For Josh, it's hard to miss something you've never had. But for a quick moment last night, I felt sad for his dad too. He's missing out on knowing such a fine young man! I felt almost guilty that Tony gets to have these special moments with his nephew instead of his dad.
And while my hubby is NOT a basketball player (which is like saying the Grand Canyon is "just" nice), Tony went and played in the father-son game with Josh because he loves him more than anything. And while J probably wasn't too big on Tony's granny shot from the free throw line (seriously) in front of all his buddies...even though HE MADE IT... he was still happy they could play together.
So, while T's not "really" his dad, he loves to act like he is because that is an honor. It is a privilege to be with Josh, and he will continue to shoot for being the man that Josh will count on when he needs him.
And sometimes you shoot and miss.

And sometimes you foul.

And sometimes...

sometimes HE SCORES.

What a game!
I'm hoping by the time our boys ask him to play in stuff like this, he realizes he's supposed to let them WIN!

Of course, since he can hardly walk today, I'm thinking that might actually happen.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Caden hasn't been taken to the hospital in months for any seizures...

But hearing how John Travolta's son died yesterday... it FREAKED me out!

It made me realize AGAIN, just how blessed I am to have 4 healthy boys; and that every moment together is gift. Oh that I would cherish them, and appreciate all that I've been blessed with!

Prayers to the Travolta family! May they find the comfort that only God can give them.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Really... it's that time again. Basketball and Baseball seasons are ready to roll, so this week we paid for:

3 day Baseball Camp.....$150

3 Basketball team sign ups.... $280

6 Baseball team sign ups... $785

(yes, I only have 4 boys; but 2 of them play on 2 teams... because SOMEONE doesn't now how to tell DADDY no-- but I'm going to work on that for next season!)

3 Pair of Basketball shoes... $430

4 Pairs of new cleats... $ (only) 225

REALLY... they need new shoes again? I just bought shoes... can't they just share? Nope, their sizes range from 12 men (not bad for an 11 year old... to a mere mens 6 for my 7 year old) .

Ahhhh... let the good times begin! And may my boys rememeber this when they go to put my in an old folks home in 50 years!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions... but I'm a firm believer that if "you aim for nothing, you'll get nothing" so I've decided to blog some goals in hopes that I'll stay focused on reaching them.

Garth Brooks has a song: Live Like You Were Dying... (LOVE that guy!)

I want to live with no regrets.

I want to love more.
I want to listen more.
I want to be more patient with my kids and Tony.
I want to be a better mother, wife, daughter, sister, teacher... and more importantly, the Proverbs 31 Woman I believe I was created to be.

And yes... I want to lose the weight that I've gained this year (What New Year's list is complete without that one??)

As I reflect on this past year, I'm humbled and amazed at how blessed I have been as a wife and mother. In spite of me, for whatever reason, God has chosen to bless my life with more than I deserve. I hope I never take for granted all that I have... and pray that in 2009, I will continue to grow into the woman I need to be... as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend and teacher.

May He Be Glorified In Me!