My parents still live WAY out in the boon-docks where I grew up; and while some people view things as "being much smaller" than they used to be ... I happen to think everything seems MUCH bigger than when I was a kid (and unfortunately it's not because I am any smaller).
AND then, there's Ethel and Lucy... the outside 'puppies.' And they really are still puppies! Unlike the "little" ferocious dogs... they are very sweet and...
AJ just HAD to go give them a bone, or 2 or 5....They seem much bigger than the ROTs that I grew up with.
ummm... excuse me girls...
"Are you happy to see us, because we brought you a snack?"
He's not the snack...
His HAT is not the snack!!!
"MOM.... Stop taking pictures and HELP ME!"
(Note to self: we really need to work on his tone !!)
Anyway...I did help him... finally.
I frantically called them, from the other side of the fence! (I'm no dummy) That's 300+ pounds of puppy. They'd never bite anyone... but they get excited to see him and try to lick him to death.
As I'm attempting to "save" my poor son; they ran out of the yard! So then I had to chase them around to try and "drag" them back into the yard.... for over an hour! URGGGGGGGGG.
They FINALLY got thirsty enough to let me drag them back into the yard (because there was NO WAY I could get them to do anything on my own), I drove straight to see my sister at work . I reminded her that our "sisters" all like her and her kids more than me... so she needs to make sure she's available (in the unlikely event that our parents ever trust us again with their precious pets) from now on.
And being the good aunt she is... she gave him some scrap booking supplies from to make sure he went home to do some actual school WORK.
so he did...right after he called daddy to tell him about all the scratches on his back...
while I sat down to try to put my heart back in my chest!
EEEEk! Those are some huge dogs!
And heavens yes, I would have been on the other side of the fence too! :)
I would have peed my pants on the spot had those pups came after me.
Big Dogs!!!
But beautiful, you always find that it is the small dogs that are in charge!
Amanda x
Big dogs! Holy Cow. We used to call my grandparents standard poodle (gig to use at the time) a lick-a-monster. Those would definetly be lick-a-monsters!
Hayden was petting a little dog at the restaurant last night and it nipped his face. At first I thought it just nipped, but I think it made a little contact. We were all shaken up. I guess he would ask to pet dogs for a while.
Holy cow...I mean dogs!!! They are ferocious looking. Good thing they don't know that! You are brave to even stand on the other side of the fence!
That's a lot of puppy love!
:-) Dawna
Wow! Those are some BIG dogs! Looks like AJ earned his stickers!
WOW those are some HUGE dogs!!! I grew up with Boxers and thought they were big, but they do not even compare in size!
Wow those are so BIG dogs....Big dogs make me very nervous. I love the great big sunflower,...
i love dogs but have never been crazy about such big ones! They scare me...especially around kiddos.
The sunflower pics are so pretty.
Those are some big sun flowers and some big puppies - tee hee! Pretty dogs, though!
Have a good Friday - Kellan
I love big dogs and when they are pups (even big pups) they sure can be a handful.
We have a HUGE 85 lb Lab. He is such a sweeite. I would take a BIG dog over a small one any day. Those little ones actually scare me a bit!
Hope his ouchies heal fast - can't believe you made him do schoolwork after that! Hee-hee.
My husband is gone for 12 days and left me to care for the dogs....they act like Lucy & Ethel. Good grief!! I love them, but they are a handful!
Family fun, indeed!
I know you're homeschooling one of your boys this year, and you also work outside the home full-time, correct? I was just wondering how you made that work out, as I'd sure like to do the same for my middle son. If you don't mind sharing, you can leave me a message or email me at tsninns at yahoo dot com. Thanks :)
Those dogs are huge! love the sunflowers, too!
Woozers....I would have been on the other side of the fence too!
Beautiful sunflowers!
I think those dogs were very happy to see you.
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