because just yesterday,
he started this adventure of being the "baby brother"...
and it hasn't always been so easy...
From the very beginning, Caden was patient with his "not so big" brothers...
and was such a "happy little pumpkin" !!!

Always ready to go, go, go...

and has never had a hard time keeping up with the big guys...
His happy heart has been such a blessing to our family!

Always ready to learn something new...
and always up for another ball game...
Yeah, my baby is getting big...
But he's always gonna be MY BABY!
Sweet:) They grow so fast.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday... Great pictures!!!
Happy 7th Birthday!!!! What great pictures. Your boys all looks so alike but also different. Very good looking bunch. My baby is now 10. I feel the same wasn't he just a baby?
Happy Birthday! What a great walk down memory lane!
Happy Birthday to him! I love the photos!
Great post. So neat to see some baby pics.
Happy Birthday!
sending your baby birthday blessings!
What a doll he is, as are all of your boys! I hope he has a wonderful birthday!!
Happy Birthday, handsome boy! :)
Awww, that was so cute!!
I love the picture of Tony and all the boys in their big dogs tanks. How cute are they???
Happy Birthday to your baby Caden, and happy birthday to you too. :)
Hope it is a great one!!! Don't you just wish you could freeze them in time??
Happy Birthday....
My baby is 11 and he will always be the baby...
Love the pictures! It is so fun to look back at see how they have grown. Happy Birthday!
Oh, wow. SEVEN. Time flies. I was reading that thinking about when my baby will be seven. Makes me wanna cry! :)
I've been meaning to come over and let you know that I received the book - thank you so much! I never did ask... what do I owe you for it? I certainly don't expect you to send me a free book! :) I haven't had a chance to get to it yet, but it's on my nightstand. Thanks again!
awww happy birthday little guy :)
great pics mama - enjoy your special day!!
Oh Sweet Baby-happy 7th b-day :)
You are a blessed mommy to have such a beautiful family :)
Happy Birthday to a cutie!!
Oh how sweet! They do grow so very fast don't they? I hope he had a wonderful birthday! :)
Great blog! I found yours through derfwad (another great site). I have three (possibly four!) boys and I love to see what other moms of boys are up to. Looking forward to seeing what my boys may be up to in the years to come (they're 4, 3 & 1).
Happy Birthday! What a precious little boy.
Awww! Happy Birthday Caden! My "baby" was 7 in March! I feel the same way, he'll always be my baby!
ADORABLE pictures and I even teared up at the end. Love you and miss you and let's figure out a time when I can come up to scrapbook! Oh...and consider yourself tagged--see my blog for details. And I totally understand if you don't do it, but I am just trying to play along :-)
Great post! He's a cutie! My "baby" is 6 1/2--six still sounds young, but 7 is a big boy! I was thinking about that the other day. I think he'll always be "baby" ;)
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