Colton hit the night stand by the bed... and yes, he got to stay in bed with me... with an ice-pack.
(Can I just say... I love that my boys still love to cuddle with me... even if it is only at night... and it's really just a ploy not to have to go to bed on time)
This remeinds me of my house! Mine broke the bed frame trying to beat each other to my bed! At least there was no blood. Hope he's okay!
Hope he is okay :-)
You must really rate if they are willing to shed blood to sleep in your bed!! LOL
Oh that is just too cute and so sad all at the same time.
Hoping Colton is OK!
And yes, you sure can tell how much those boys love their Mama! :)
Ouch! but totally worth the snuggle time!
Ouch! That looks horribly painful! It's sweet that they still want to snuggle! My 10 year old boy is such a snuggler!
Ouch! That looks painful.
Thanks for commenting on my blog. Don't let that list intimidate you. It's spread among my three kids and my niece and I can assure you that not all of it gets done every day and probably what gets done isn't done the way the book suggests. ;-)
Just start with the basics and add things that fit your family as you start to feel more comfortable with what you're doing. You'll be fine.
I'm so used to seeing blood. ;) I hope he's OK!
My boys were asking again tonight if they could sleep with me. Boys like to snuggle by mom!
So glad other mums go through this too. Girl mums really do miss out.
I love, love, love it that my kids want to sleep with me when Daddy is gone. We have slumber party nights!!
OUCH! Sounds like my boys though. :) Hope he's not too sore today...poor guy.
holy moley!!!!
a mom who still con not believe she hasnt been to the emergency room with her ACTIVE CRAZY toddler.
Gosh!! You must be REALLY cuddly! ; ) Hope he's healing nicely...
Ouch! Only one of mine is a big snuggler. He never shed any blood, though. I'm the one who usually gets hurt!
Hope he's all better now! And hope you get the bloodstains out!
Again , OUCH!
Nice to have a chance to cuddle though :)
Oh my gosh!! That looks painful!! And all for Mom out of love, lol
Not to be outdone, Alex broke 2 bones in his arm this morning after a nasty slip on some black ice on the front stoop while enroute to catch the school bus.
That's something not likely to happen in a home-schooled household in sunny California!
((((although lately it seems like it's my little GIRL who is the one bleeding the most)))
I feel your pain having a house full of boys is just an accident waiting to happen
Only with boys. Hopes he was o.k.
Ouch. I'll tell you what the paramedics told me after Carter hit his head on the fireplace (he was 3 and I was new to boy injuries).
"Head wounds bleed a lot."
Hope he is doing better now.
Oh my! I guess he wants to win at all costs. My 10 year old still loves to go to bed early with me to read. I love that time together.
AGH! yikes! yikes!
Omg! Blake did the same thing but it was much worse he had to get stitches. I felt so bad it broke my heart!
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