A few weeks ago I took the boys to see this stud...
He is one of my best friends from high school... and I love him dearly- most of the time. He gave us a good scare... and I'm glad he's OK so that the next time I see him; after I hug him, I'm going to hit him for adding ten good years on my already aging face!
2 days ago Tony showed up at my school with lunch... and news that my favorite motorcycle stud was in an accident. My parents were already on the way to the hospital to see him, and that's all he knew.
Tony might as well have hit me... Here's what his bike looks like now... http://www.mantecabulletin.com/main.asp?FromHome=1&TypeID=1&ArticleID=57002&SectionID=28&SubSectionID=58
My heart hurt... not just for him - but for his mom and dad (the best parents - besides my own of course- you could wish for), and of course... his wife! Can you even imagine?
They both had officers come to their doors... with news to go to the hospital because he'd been hit by a car going 60 mph. That's all they knew... They didn't know how bad it was, or wasn't.
Thank God... he is OK... not a broken bone in his body. This guy has the luck you would NOT believe! God is good, and faithful, and kind... and I appreciate the gentle reminders in life that we're not guaranteed tomorrow... so you better live each day as if it's your last.
PS... I so love you SS... but if you ever scare us like that again... I might have to run you over myself!
purple is....
16 years ago
Thoughts and prayers go out to him, his wife and the rest of his family. Get well soon.
Thank you for your kind posts. I enjoy reading yours as well. Your a great mom for following your gut and following through with your discipline.
Oh, wow. Thank you Lord for protecting him. That is scary. My brother is a police officer and I worry about him all the time. My prayers go out to your friend during his recovery.
I read your comment to my older boys and J#1 whose toe that is looked at me said "it is cool isn't it". Then my middle son, J#2 said "wow, they have four boys!! When are we going to get another!! Oh My!! I like stopping by your blog and seeing what another boy mom is going through.
I am so glad your friend is going to be alright. I can not imagine how scared his family must of been.
Thanks for reminding me that tomorrow is never a guarantee. I think we all need a reminder of that every once in a while.
Wow. Glad he's ok, and sorry to hear about what all of you have gone through! I hope everyone is doing well now.
I read the linked article and just reading the words "officer down" gave me goose bumps. So happy to hear your friend is ok and going to make a good recovery.
I'm so glad to hear your friend is ok. God is indeed GOOD.
Glad to hear your friend will recover. Some people have great guardian angles.
Words cannot express how blessed I am to be alive. That had to have been the closest near death experience I have ever had. God is indeed good ... All the time ... Just to sit here and think that I could be dead had the area of impact been just a few inches to the left makes everything come into perspective. Tell T and your boys hello and lets get together in the near furture. You do have some of the greatest paretns around ... Seeing them at the hospital brought joy to me ... I'll talk to you soon .. SJS
Ouch! Sending good thoughts his way... wow. Incredible that there were no broken bones!
How is your friend doing now? Thank goodness he was wearing that vest.
Thanks for the comments on my blog. I love all the boy momma blogs (no offense girl mommas), it is nice to know we aren't alone.
SS is doing great... thanks for the prayers.
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