Getting 4 boys dressed and fed by 7:30 every morning to go to work was even more work... (just ask my husband)
BUT guess what ...
Do you know how much work my strong boys can do in a weekend???
A LOT!!!
Just ask Nana and Papa.
They're in the final stages of a BIG, HUGE, ENORMOUS remodel.
Nana's new kitchen is "almost finished"...
That would be the "father" of the up and coming weekend work force!
After loading up some heavy concrete for the new driveway... they replanted some grass out front.
Colton has a never ending supply of enegy, and we love to put it to good use.
Of course, we took a few water breaks.
and puppy breaks...
and breaks to pose for mom... again...
Since she wasn't "part of the work force"... as she was just taking pictures... *grin
The boys were all really hot and dirty and smelly...Some of them more than others... because some of them DO more work than others...And so I'm thinking...
If I can keep these boys well fed... in Nana's grand kitchen...
and can keep up with all these stinky clothes... (The likes of which I almost passed out from on the way home, even with the windows DOWN)
I'll have it made when it comes time to remodel my own house...
assuming I'm not broke from investing in deodorant stock... which is what I plan on doing first thing tomorrow morning!