I distinctly remember thinking that "hell would freeze over before I'd ever home school any of my own kids"...
but apparently I'll be buying the next round for the entire populous in Hades... and soon!
We started homeschooling AJ in September for the first time... and since he loves it so much, within 2 months he convinced his 2 younger brothers to drop out of school and stay home with him. They all love it... and it's amazing how much they can accomplish!
As of this afternoon, the 3 of them have convinced my oldest son to get home schooled too!
BUT... wait!
I agreed to home school my 4th grader because it's the best thing for him.
I agreed to home school my 3rd grader and 1st grader because that's easy and the school they were at wasn't nearly academic enough. They REALLY wanted to get home schooled, and AJ enjoys having his brothers around to play with (most of the time); so we're doing it.
But, I'm REALLY hesitant to teach my middle-school son at home!
He's the "perfect" child... the "perfect" student... the "perfect" built-in tutor...
but the truth is... he's already smarter than I am in all the core subjects; and I'm not really sure I can do a good enough job...FOR HIM.
I don't know how we can tell him no though.
He's crushed because he thinks that I'm "trying to convince him to stay in school."
I just want what's best for each of them; and I wish that I knew exactly what that meant for each of them---
because by the time I finish paying their food bill for the next few years, and 4 sets of braces, and insurance for them to drive etc... I really don't think they'll be much left over for any counseling that may be need because I screwed up their education!
purple is....
16 years ago