I am so glad Halloween is over, and we can move on to being "Thankful"... right?
It's a season for us to be Thankful ... and I am!
But once in a while... well,
DID anyone see all those cute fairies and princesses last night???
My boys... at the ripe "old" ages of 7 to 11 are 'too cool' to dress up anymore, much less humor me and dress up for any photos.
I liked it when they were little and I could make them dress up and take pictures.
Not that I don't LOVE my boys... and love the crazy, busy, LOUD life we live! I do!
But sometimes, I appreciate the season of life... after it's passed, much more than I did in the midst of it.
SO... as I look back at my cute photos of past Halloween's... where they were SO cute... I'm going to remember that this season...
the one I'm in right now... This is the season of my life when:
I'm able to sleep in. ( YAHHHHHOo)
I'm able to enjoy THEM putting away clothes (theirs and mine!); and get their own FOOD (usually without spilling it everywhere)
I'm able to enjoy them taking care of me, and each other.
I'm enjoying them wanting to snuggle and cuddle still (without wanting "something" from me)
I'm loving that they are becoming the "knights" albeit not in costumes... that their daddy is trying to teach them to be. (GOSH I LOVE THAT MAN!)
and a thousand other things that I couldn't have said... back in the season of our lives when they still would dress like I wanted them to, and wear their hair like I wanted them to... and smell like I wanted them to....
and go to school where I wanted them too...
But... that's another post.
Thanks a million for all your encouraging words and thoughts on our home schooling dilemma!
purple is....
16 years ago
I'm thankful that Halloween is over as well - I've had all the screaming kids I can handle.
I just read you previous post about homeschooling. I would love some advice on this - I'm contemplating pulling both of mine out of public school soon.
ya know- i think all the time about how BLESSED this season of my life is with my boys. i just enjoy the chaos.
Okay- on to your prior post! I'm trying to catch up on what you've been up to;-)
I heard the best line on Malcolm in the Middle yesterday--it was the mom saying "There's only a few good years for Halloween and you spend the rest getting your kids out of jail"
And another reason to enjoy your 'season'--you are not dealing with a stuborn toddler who insists on carrying a bucket way too heavy in the dark and so tired he can barely walk--and refuses to be held, all the while trying to make you oldest slow down (and she has zero desire as there is candy for the taking!). Yeah, that was my night ;)
Yes, there are some wonderful things about having "big" boys, like sleeping in on Saturday morning while they take care of themselves! ;)
Aww, bummer about your baby not wanting to dress up anymore. My guys still enjoy it.
As for our school situation, I think we will have a meeting at school this coming week about the Functional Behavioral Assessment that was done on my 4th-grader. And the 1st-grader's teacher still doesn't like him very much it seems. Ugh. Homeschooling sounds good, I wish I wasn't working full-time.
My middle-schooler is the "perfect" child, too. That would be a hard, to decide whether or not to send him to school. I think I'd let him stay home. He would learn more on his own.
You definitely have a lot to be thankful for! And as hard as it is to see my boys growing up, having older, lower maintenance kids is a blessing!! (my 3 year old is still very high maintenance though....gotta work on him! LOL)
What a perfect post!
I too am trying to focus more on celebrating the here and now. I am beginning to think that my computer crashing was a blessing in disguise.
Beautiful post, and enjoy those knights of yours before they all are too busy courting to be at home much any more. :)
I am constantly reminding myself to enjoy right now. You are right. It is hard in the moment, but wow! It goes so fast!
Your boys are so handsome.
You totally remined me there is so much to enjoy in each season of our lives and motherhood. May as well enjoy each part while it's here.
Though I am excluding potty training from my statement.
My 11 year old didn't wear a costume this year. ( too cool, like your crew). He and my middle son wanted to go Trick or Treating on their own. Without me *sniff*
Thank goodness my 7 year old still wants to hang out with me!
They are all sharing their candy with me though!
I've been telling them how your boys like to clean. They are good role models!
Sounds like a pretty good season to me (I think I will be glad not to have to worry about costumes someday!): )
We didn't have time for Halloween this year. My kids are older now I guess it came and went.
I'm ready to be thankful.
Thanks for visiting!
Love the red, white and blue blog design.
I'm still several years away from sleeping in...that sounds wonderful...enjoy this season!
It sure is different now that they are older. I miss many things from when they were little but love it now too.
It's so true - it's hard to live and be thankful for everything in the moment as it happens . . . but sometimes being thankful for it later is ok, too!! My little ones are still in the cute costume stage, so I'll try and enjoy it while I can - and stop yelling at them to not eat any more candy!!
My oldest trick or treated with his friends (and an adult lagging a few houses behind). I am not sure how long we can convince him to "let" us come with them.
We are in a great season of parenthood!
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