We had hoped to go on a mini vacation to SO Cal this weekend for some weather like this:

instead of bright blue skies, we got this ominous orange color...

Sylmar fires broke out a few miles away...

3 miles is pretty far away (supposedly)... but the view from the backyard seemed pretty dang close to me.

The kids would peek over the fence every once in a while to check out how close it was. Once they could actually see the fire from the backyard... they became a little more like their mama... and

I can only imagine what the coming days will be like for the people who lost their homes. Once again, another reminder of how much I have to be thankful for!
I was just watching this morning on the news about the fires. But to be there must have been so scary. Glad you are all safe.
Amanda x
Yikes! I'm glad you are all safe.
Sorry about your vacation. But you are right we have a lot to be thankful for. It must be so scary for those people.
I just saw a report on the Nightly News and came to check in on you.
Glad you are safe & hope you stay that way! 3 miles is not that far away with those Santa Ana winds.
That looks a little to close for comfort for me. I'm glad you made it home safe...
Not the beautiful sunny weekend you had hoped for, huh?? My cousin lives in Castaic, CA and it seems she is always writing about fires in surrounding areas. So sad.
Hope all is still well. I know that CA has a "wildfire" season about every year; that would make me so nervous! Our drought years brought fires close enough to my area & I was so happy when the rains came (ok, so we really didn't need the 40+ inches the next year...LOL). You have a wonderful blog; thanks for stopping by mine. BTW, things are NOT as quiet around here since my dh fixed the surround sound system after our TV warranty fixed the defunct TV...and the boys are busy "re-watching" their favorites. Take care and stop by my sometimes neglected blog again sometime!
Wow~! So scary!
my aunt lives pretty close.......so scary!
Certainly glad to see you are all safe and sound. Things sure can change in an instant.
Be safe.
i'm so jealous of that first photo.
Oh no--that is such a bummer. I'm glad everyone is safe!
saying another quick prayer for the people out there...
I'd be freaking out toooooo! Fire is very scary. It's snowing here I don't think we have to worry about wild fires.
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