AJ should be a lot of fun to watch this year... and we're pretty excited about his team after seeing their first practice yesterday. GO DODGERS>
Colton is fun to watch no matter what sport he's playing...
The part I'm not looking forward to its trying to juggle all 7 teams...
I HATE missing one minute of my kids games, but it's impossible to be on 4 different fields at the same time. So, we'll do our best... and between the world's best auntie and the best grandparent's in the world... my kids will usually be fortunate to have at least someone there to cheer them on.
but most of all,
I'm not looking forward to being virtually "single" for the next few months-- because if Tony is on one field, I'll be at another... and that's the hardest part!
ahhh baseball....we started a couple of weeks ago too...so much fun...we've got three playing baseball and soccer at the same time. I feel for ya...single mom at the games!
I can sympathize. We are a soccer family. Right now me, my husband, and two oldest boys play indoor soccer. This coming fall our youngest will be old enough to play. My husband coaches my oldest son so it will be up to me to juggle the other two's games if schedules conflict. It's almost a game in itself sometimes isn't it?? LOL We only have one that plays baseball so that makes it easier!
wow, i don't know how you do it. Not sure I am looking forward to Sean growing up.
Sounds like you have a busy season coming up! It's great that you have family to help out, I'm sure it's going to be crazy with sports when all three of mine are older. Hope you get to spend at least a little time with your husband!
I confess. When spring comes and baseball season hits, it makes me (almost) sad I don't have a son. I'm a baseball fan.
we are signing up my middle son this saturday for his first year of T-ball. We are all so excited.
Wow, already? Start of practice is two months away here, in April.
We still have snow on the ground. They are doing some gym practices but they are not any fun. Wow 7 teams! You are going to be a very busy mom, but what fun.
Baseball season (or should I say T-ball season) is just around the corner. My oldest opted out this season. He is not a natural athlete. But that is okay... Maybe those games will work out to where you can see them all play! Can't wait to see all the pictures!
I hear you on the 'single during baseball season' thing. I have a whole different perspective on spring and summer these days. But it's worth it!
This is 1st year for REAL baseball....we are not ready for it!! 1 1/2 hours of practice is A LOT for a 6 year old.
I love watching though!!
We are going to Cooperstown this June with our 10 year old. It's going to be a very fun baseball year. Enjoy.
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