It means that SUMMER-IS-A-COMING>>
it also means BASEBALL... Baseball... baseball...
BUT, I love it... because the boys are sooooo happy to be on a field... any field...
either playing the game, watching the game, or practicing for the game--- they don't care which.
if only I can get the right kid, to the right field, at the right time, on the right day, in the right uniform (preferably clean....ha)...
It should be great seasons for everyone!!!
AND>>> if I could actually get a little school work in on the side, that would be a good bonus!
(but I have to say... I'm really looking forward to being "in control" over our school schedule and homework etc for the season! What a stress relief for us... not worrying about homework, and getting the little ones in bed after late games... and my personal favorite... NO OPEN HOUSE projects! YIPPEE) --
Hey there, first time visiting your blog! You must be very busy with 4 boys! :) We have 2 boys and are loving it!
Man. That is a good looking crew you got there!
I just love spring. Just getting the boys outside playing is helpful. They have so much built up energy from being kept in the house too long. ;)
YAY FOR SPRING!! We're playing another year of T-ball...can't wait!! Your boys are cute as EVER!
Wow, and I thought it was hard to juggle 4 soccer teams! I bet it does get confusing some days.
How's homeschooling going?? Sounds like it's a good thing, especially with the crazy schedules.
I hope my son loves baseball as much as I do!!
Your boys are very cute!!
great pic!
Jacob is starting baseball this year and I'm so excited! I think getting out of the house in the evenings will be good for the whole family :)
Homeschooling does leave lots of room for adjustments. I do miss that part. (I have never homeschooled, but I was homeschooled myself.) Sounds like you have a busy spring ahead of you. :)
I only 2 schedules to coordinate and it's a challenge, can't imagine having to juggle so many games! But I do love watching my kids prun and play thier favorite sports!
Yes, how wonderful that schooling can be on their own schedule.
Eight teams, I can't imagine, LOL.
8 games?? OH my goodness dear! I would say that clean uniforms is way above and beyond! :)
I too am loving the picture of your handsome boys! You have some heart breakers there!
Happy Baseball Season! I have a 15 year old ball playing son too. (:
I'm very happy it is time for some BASEBALL. It means spring is here. We are not outside yet but will be soon. We have games starting next month. Good luck to all your teams.
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