Friday, May 30, 2008
Me... While I'm very proud of him, and I understand it's great to be validated.... I'm sorta thinking... But I thought the season was almost over???
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Blooming... good days!
The boys wiped out the entire dish before I could try it, so I'm assuming it was good. They topped it off by eating Cinnamon Buns from a recipe I got from Crazy Mom with 4 boys!
For lunch... we had Martha Stewarts Mac and Cheese. Let me just say -- that cost a pretty penny to make! Holy cow. My hubby also told me that Pioneer Woman's Mac and Cheese thing was better... so if you like hot, try it.
For dessert I made some chocolate thing in my crock pot from Ramblings of a Crazy woman (which I loved because it was really easy), and I also made some peanut butter butterscotch treats from Wendy's recipes too.
I was on a roll... and now you should see the mess "THEY" had to clean up! woooohhh. Apparently it was worth it... because my boys are loving this bloggin' thing mommy does!
NOW... I just need to figure out how to fit in a bathing suit for the summer... and still read all the cool blogs with recipes.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
VERY helpful!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
rainy days
I stayed in bed until 1:30; at which point I moved from my bed to my bubble bath!
Yep... I'm thinking rainy days are "all that!"
Monday, May 19, 2008
Today I was thinking about how much I need to remember the beautiful things God uses to remind us how little we are in control of things.
But... I like control, I like order, I like having my own way.
And then I like to laugh because instead... God gave me 4 boys.
It really is a beautiful thing... soemtimes though, I just wish it wasn't so LOUD.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
To School, or Not to THAT School???
Either way, Tony and I oohed, and ahhhed at all the appropriate times... and patted them on the backs and told them all how proud we are of how hard they've worked this year... and then Kyle, in all his infinite wisdom- says : "Mom, that was just like a show the teachers have to put on. It's more like a competition for the parents to see who did the most work and spent the most money on all the projects they made us do throughout the year.
(Yep.... entirely too smart for his own good - that one!)
We helped a little on these projects, but I've told all the boys..."I've already had the opportunity to learn all this stuff, and I love you too much to rob you of the opportunity to experience this fantastic educational experience... so it's up to you to earn the grade you want because we're not doing it for you! (Which is code for "I already passed 3,4,5 grade - now it's your turn because I didn't much care for it the first time I had to do it- and I'm certainly not going to do it again. You're on your own kid")
Anyway... I will say this for Open House - what it REALLY means is:
School is almost done and Summer Vacation will be here in 12 day!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
And fortunately for Caden, "Nana's toof - fairy" was around for the grand event... and being the baby of the "grand babies"... that very "lucky toof" got him $36!
SO... I'm considering how good I'd look without a few teeth myself! (OK, it was a fleeting thought because I'm a little to vain for that)
But sheesh... I could get some cute flip flops for $36!
I don't remember that same tooth fairy giving me big bucks like that when I lost my toofies! But is he cute or what!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day

Friday, May 9, 2008
Go Royals
Yep... today it's funny- yesterday... not so much.
AJ stayed home from school today (which, unlike his brothers, he NEVER does) in hopes that he'd be well enough to play in "the big game" tonight. He loves the game, but more importantly, he didn't want to let his team down! They were going into tonight's game with the same record as the other team (who is fairly good, but we'd already won them earlier in the season.)
We "were" in 1st place, and without AJ and his catcher, we didn't have much of a chance of winning tonight. BUT, AJ dragged himself to the field (against my better judgement), just in time to throw-up before the game. I took him home, and within about 45 minutes we drove back to the field because we were only down by 1 run. He was convinced that he felt good enough to "end the game for his team."
AJ ran to the field and struck out their clean-up batter, but coach daddy pulled him right away... he was just too sick. I was happy that daddy did that (even with some mad fans in the stands), and even more proud of my son because it really was all about "doing it for the team."
I love winning, I love seeing my boys do well... but more importantly- I love to see those moments when my son's character shines! He's talented yet humble, uplifting and encouraging, and tonight... he showed everyone that he knows what dedication is.
We ended up losing, but I was so proud of my son because he learned tonight that even if you lose, he still felt pretty good about doing his best! And his daddy... oh was he proud of his son!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Party shoes
These shoes are THE BOMB (as my boys would day)!
When my husband and I go to The Grand Wailea in Hawaii for New Year's Eve... I get all giddy because that means I get to go to one of my favorite shoe stores! Tony bought these shoes for me (and I felt guilty for at least a nano-second because they were very expensive) and after I got after him for spending way too much $, I threw my arms around his neck and kissed the bajeebers out of him because they are absolutely gorgeousssssss... and I love, love them... I mean, I love HIM for never, ever telling me no when it comes to shoes. Any wonder why I married him?
My camera doesn't do the shoes justice, so you'll have to just take my word for it.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Is that Red?
So I thought I'd go in my closet and check out red party shoes... because there are a lot of different shades of red!
and in the other corner of the room we have some more red ones too... and room for jeans.
Now... my boys and I debated today about the notion that one can have too many jeans. I tried to explain that girls have their slim jeans, their fat jeans, and their "I want to get back into these jeans"... to which my boys replied... Mom- they look all the same to us! Hmph-
My boys are well versed in the fact that girls can never, ever, ever ... have too many shoes! I'm thinking their wives will love me for that.
Now look closely... Do you see it? Do you see that poor empty space there in the middle? Begging to be filled... and loved... like the others?
AHHHHHHH I was so excited because I'm committed to not buying any more shoes until I have room for them. That means I'd have to throw some away- and I just can't bring myself to part with any of them. Thinking I was finally all done, and trying to decide if I wanted to get some heels or sandals, I went down stairs and discovered several shoes that needed to be put away. DARN... I guess I won't be getting a new pair of shoes tomorrow after all!
But... I think I know which pair of party shoes I'm choosing for McMommy tomorrow!
Friday, May 2, 2008
gas hogs
We've been too busy going from one game to the next... and loving every minute of it - until we have to go to the gas station to pay over $4 per gallon! Is that ridiculous or what!!! Since I have to fill up the Excursion every week at the tune of $130, and Tony has to fill up the Tahoe at least 2 or 3 times a week at $105 a pop - we've been trying to be really good about not doing any more driving than we absolutely have to.
Too bad we both have cars that only get about 10 miles to the gallon. However, we didn't have too many choices in vehicles that would accommodate 4 car seats - and now we have to consider the fact that we usually have at least a couple of extra kids with us whenever we go anywhere, so there's no chance of down sizing cars to try and get better gas mileage. All we can do is hope that gas doesn't go up to $5 a gallon. urggggg, can you imagine?
so much for that tax refund we're all supposed to get- they might as well give it to a gas station and save us the trouble of handing over the money!