I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions... but I'm a firm believer that if "you aim for nothing, you'll get nothing" so I've decided to blog some goals in hopes that I'll stay focused on reaching them.
Garth Brooks has a song: Live Like You Were Dying... (LOVE that guy!)
I want to live with no regrets.
I want to love more.
I want to listen more.
I want to be more patient with my kids and Tony.
I want to be a better mother, wife, daughter, sister, teacher... and more importantly, the Proverbs 31 Woman I believe I was created to be.
And yes... I want to lose the weight that I've gained this year (What New Year's list is complete without that one??)
As I reflect on this past year, I'm humbled and amazed at how blessed I have been as a wife and mother. In spite of me, for whatever reason, God has chosen to bless my life with more than I deserve. I hope I never take for granted all that I have... and pray that in 2009, I will continue to grow into the woman I need to be... as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend and teacher.
May He Be Glorified In Me!
purple is....
16 years ago
I have every faith in you that you will be able to achieve all your goals. Good Luck and all the best!
amanda x
Amen sister. I agree wholeheartedly those same things for myself.
Great list! I need to add some of the things you have on your list to mine. Good Luck I know you can do it!
Beautifully said.
You have 4 handsome boys. Yes, I'd say God has blessed you (and me!) very, very much. It's nice to meet you!
Beautiful resolutions!! That is an awesome list and I have no doubts that you will be able to live up to it!
What a great list. And I love your shoot for nothing get nothing!!
Happy New Year friend! I can't wait to keep reading about your adventures. Hopefully they get a little cheaper from here on out! My goodness!! :)
What a wonderful post. Sometimes thing get so busy we forget all the good. It seems like you will be able to do these things with no problem. Happy New Year!
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