Caden hasn't been taken to the hospital in months for any seizures...
But hearing how John Travolta's son died yesterday... it FREAKED me out!
It made me realize AGAIN, just how blessed I am to have 4 healthy boys; and that every moment together is gift. Oh that I would cherish them, and appreciate all that I've been blessed with!
Prayers to the Travolta family! May they find the comfort that only God can give them.
purple is....
16 years ago
I agree. It broke my heart to read that. I've always been a big Travolta fan but even if I wasn't, it pains me to read of a parent losing a child. How awful for them. We've had some scares with our kids but nothing life threatening thank goodness!
I have been thinking about their family ever since I heard the news. Grief doesn't recognize money or fame or power... I wish them peace and healing in equal measures.
I can't stop thinking about them either. My heart is breaking for them.
GOSH. with all this news about seizures I don't think I realized that I knew NOTHING about them.
so sad about John Travolta's son.
They are on my mind. As a parent, I can't imagine surviving such a thing. My DH's cousin also just lost their 16-yr-old son last week, in a freak accident. We have to be thankful for every day that we have our loved ones with us.
Hearing new like that always makes me count my blessings.
Amanda x
It makes me sad just thinking about the heartache those parents are feeling right now.
I have been praying for their family.
I can't begin to imagine how hard it is to lose a child. My grandmother lost 3, 1 as a baby and 2 as adults, before she died herself. She said it was the worst kind of pain she ever felt. And she was an incredibly strong woman. I hope the Travolta family can somehow find some peace. It was a huge reminder that I am blessed to have healthy kids.
It is so sad, and really does make you appreciate what you even more!
Thank you for stopping by my blog today!
Like Kelly said I so agree with you. When I heard about Jet I felt so sad for his family. They have always looked to be such loving parents. I can not even think of the pain they must be feeling. It makes me want to hug my kids more and keep them near. You never know when something could happen.
I was really saddened by this news too. It just goes to show that we should take NOTHING for granted!
And I hear ya about the Rock Band/ Guitar Hero. I can't seem to get rid of the!!!
It was so sad to hear that story. I pray they recognize God's comfort because only He can comfort in times like this.
Thanks for visiting my blog, I am feeling better.
My heart aches when I read stories like the Travoltas losing a child. Even though this is not a common occurrence, I can understand your fears. Hugs to you and Caden!
What a great post! What a great father figure!
I'm sorry- I clicked on the wrong post.. for this comment- I was talking about the one with your husband and nephew!
hope everything is okay.
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