doing the "home schooling" thing.
AJ is LOVING life, maybe because he's getting away with murder!!!
This is "scrapping 101" ... as in - our new "writing curriculum" for the year
And then of course, here is his DARLING tutor... who took him "bowling" for PE today. Followed by starbucks and a trip to the library to do some "stuff." And today was my first day of school with my students... SO I am EXHAUSTED!!!
But... I lOVE, LOVE, LOVE my class, so that's ok!
Except that today is also...
TONY's Birthday!!
yeah... we'll have to get to celebrating that this weekend... when we have a chance to come up for air because it's a 3 DAY WEEKEND!!!
By then, I'm hoping I'll be able to do more than just text my hubby a "happy b-day," don't be late for football," "no I don't want anything from the drive thru for dinner" message on his phone.
wow... that even sounds worse than it felt when we we're living it out today; but there are times when I'm thankful for the fact that he's not the "sensitive" type; because let me just say, if this was how my birthday went... there'd be trouble in paradise... followed by an ever-so-large shoe shopping spree (hmmm, maybe not a bad thing???)
But... life is good! Crazy.... but good!
It sounds like everyone is settling into the routine happily!
Glad you have a good group of kids to teach this year, thats half the battle!
Amanda x
Those pics are awesome!
And I love your new look!
The pictures are great! I am glad school is going well for all of them. Have a great long weekend!
I love the new camera. Did you get a canon rebel? I NEED a new camera too.
The boys look great! Homeschooling looks like fun. How do you do it, since you are at school?
Sounds like your school year is off to a great start!! And your boys could not be any cuter!!
Great pictures.
Sounds like you got everyone in school safe and sound.
Busy! What fantastic pictures with your new camera... I am jealous!
I like those pics on the new camera!! Happy Birthday Tony!!!
Oh, by the way our homeschool days sometimes look like that :)
Your camera is awesome! What kind is it! I want one!!!! And, is it big or compact? I am sure it is big to take such amazing photos!
Sounds like your year is going to be great!
Your pics from you new camera are really good. The kid's look great. We are also looking forward to the nice long weekend. Enjoy.
You are amazing. Reading about home schooling and working... it makes me tired!!
Those last lines made me laugh out loud! My husband neither wants or expects a big deal on his birthday. I made sure he knew early on that same principle Does Not Apply to my birthday. He's a great learner. :-p
Simply reading about your day made me tired so I hope you got a few minutes to yourself at some point.
Your boys are so handsome! Please send our birthday wishes to Mr T!
Have a good weekend! I hope next week goes well also!
Glad to hear that you are surviving. Boy are you all busy! Beyond busy!! In fact, I am not sure that I get how you do it all. Super mom, I am thinking, super mom!!
Make sure to take some time for yourself and get some rest. After shoe shopping of course. :)
Great photos. They are very clear. What type of camera do you have as I need to buy a new one soon.
I love the flexibility of homeschooling. Have fun celebrating.
Sounds like they are getting back into school. It's hard those first few weeks. I think harder on me, cuz I have been bad and sleeping in really late
Oh my gosh! How are you keeping up with everything??!! I love the pics, the freckles on your kids' noses are so cute.
That's how I describe our life too...crazy but good. Some days I would sure love a break from the crazy....just for a little bit though ;) Your pics are great. Your boys look like they are so much fun!
Those photos are fab-u-lous!
You are one busy chicka!
Breathe. Shoe shop. Repeat.
Great photos Rachel, and the boys look happy!
What cute boys! I love meeting momma's of boys...we're a special breed ;)
and YAY for back to school!
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