Everywhere I look, and everywhere I go - I'm being reminded that my summer vacation is ever so quickly coming to an end, and that school is starting... soon! Too stinkin' soon I tell ya!
I've been in denial for too long.
I've been avoiding the sale aisles for supplies, reading blogs rather than checking my work email, and generally trying not to think about all that needs to be done for me to get my classroom ready for school to start in a few days.
I'm just not ready for summer to end! My boys aren't ready either.
This summer has been great because I've felt like this year I was actually able to "vacation" during our summer break too. I've been able to enjoy time with them during the day, and still spend time doing things I enjoy at night. The boys have different friends sleep over all the time, and they go night swimming or play games all night... just having a good 'ole time. But reality is fast approaching.
That means less scrapping --
and no more staying up late since we can't sleep in --
less cooking (because I just won't have time to do recipes that require the bread to rise 3 times, or onions to soak in buttermilk for a couple of hours...)
It will mean less blogging too!
YIKES... My thoughts are that we had "better really enjoy this last week of vacation and live it up." Right??
But daddy thinks we need "to spend this week getting back into a school routine." You know, get them to bed early every night, wake them up early every morning so they can be ready to go by 8am.
He thinks this helps them "get ready to start school" so they're not too grouchy.
I think it just makes them grouchy... and ME GROUCHY... a week before we need to be grouchy!
But, since it's not "me" getting them up and ready at the crack of dawn (because I'll still be sleeping and enjoying my last week of vacation) ... I'll be ever-so sympathetic to my poor boys if their daddy does this to them.
I'll try to be understanding, and patient, and not get upset with all their whining... but I have a feeling... it's going to be a long week for me. I can tell already... because daddy is in there giving them a lecture right now about how important it is to "get back into school mode."
He's trying to explain...
Yep, I've got to go save my poor hubby! "His" boys... are now being referred to as "your mother's boys"... that's usually not good.
My long week is starting early.
purple is....
16 years ago
I need to try and shorten the late nights, too, but I'm not terribly worried about it. After one day in school, they'll want to be in bed by 8pm. In Utah the kids have 1/2 days for the first 2 weeks, so that gives us a little time to transition again. It's rough. I wish summer lasted forever!
We too, are trying to get geared up for school to start. Were still sleeping until 10 and I'm not ready to give that up. I really do agree to start the bed times with the kids the week before so they can have some type of routine.......yeiks...did i just say routine,,,I hate that word But t will happen in this home ,too. So I guess we can all suffer together,
I am with you...I want to live up the last few days before I have to return to the classroom. I have 6 workdays before my kids go back to school so I guess we will start our routine next week...Oh wait...my son will be at the coast with his grandmother...still having SUMMER!!
Good luck on the routine!!
We started school July 28th here. It was too soon. We do an extended calendar, so we take longer fall, christmas and spring breaks, but it just wasn't a log enough summer. We are on week 3 of school and just now starting to adjust to the school routine again. I have to say, I think I am getting a bit more done during the day now, so that's a bonus.
Our schools go back this Thursday. I have enjoyed a break from washing the uniforms ~ polishing the shoes ~ making packed lunches the night before and all the homework! It will be hard to get back to the old routine:(
Have fun when you go back! We (teachers) go back today. I saw your comment on my blog, what kind of surgery will you be having? I'm not even sure I'll be back with the kids if I can move surgery up to the 18th of Aug. (the pain is so intense)
Have a great school year!
Julie :)
Too funny! (in an ironic way). Last night as my boys were staying up to watch Michael Phelps swim at 10:30 p.m., my husband informed them this was the last night they could do this. Like Tony, he wants to get them back on a schedule.
The boys have their school supply check lists and are starting to stock up. My oldest, Devon is obsessed with having everything on his list, way ahead of schedule. I wish he would be that way with homework.... 2 more weeks of summer. Where did the time go?
I always hated that feeling of summer coming to a close. I think it was more when I was a child but i know what you mean. I am actually ready for fall. We have had really hot weather here and I am ready for a little break.
Good luck on getting the boys back into a routine!
I hear ya!
The summer has gone by way too fast!
I don't want it to end!
Not yet anyway.
Oh no...your husband said, "Your mother's boys"?
I think some intervention may be required.
i'm with you. i can't believe how quick summer went! all of things that i thought "oh we need to do that this summer" that we STILL haven't done. YIKES!
enjoy your last week of vacation!!
I can't believe school is fast approaching. My little one starts preschool in about a month. I know she is ready. I'm just not sure mommy is ready. This is going to be a hard day on me. I know I sound crazy. LOL!! Good luck with the school year.
That's too funny. Since we homeschool, my boys would never have to get up early if they didn't want too. HOWEVER, they are early birds. Never sleeping past 6:30 or 7:00 am at the latest. They are in bed by 8:30 most every night though so that's when I get my much needed quite time. :)
Have fun with you last "free" week!
I can't believe summer is coming to an end, I don't want school to start.
I am so not ready for the rat race to begin again!
Hey, there is an award for you on my blog!!! Stop by and grab it!
I know, I am not ready for school to start back either. Both of mine will be in school and I am not ready for that. My youngest starts preschool next week. First time I will be home with no children...I know I am going to cry...very sad day!
Yes Dear Friend . . . the official school summer is almost at an end! We too are returning to school schedule this week.
The kids are all ready to go back and be with their friends.
oh getting ready for school.... I wonder what it is going to be like when our little one is old enough.
I am always sad when summer ends too but happy for the routine again. I thrive with a routine...I am a little OCD and that is most likely the cause! I am also looking forward to Fall, my favorite season. Here's hoping you can find some peace in the upcoming blur about to occur :)
We start back to school a week from tomorrow and I'm dreading it too. My husband is a teacher so it's so nice having him and the two older boys around in the summer. It will go back to being me and the little guy and it will be lonely for awhile until we get our own little routine going.
I agree I hate the idea of summer ending and the kid's going back to school and time to have a schedule again. I love this free for all stuff.
Thanks for you comments on underage Chinese gymnasts. You're not getting old; the competition is.
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