I have issues.
Surprising, I know... but I'm addicted to lots of things.
* spending time with my boys
* shoes
* music
* books
*scrap booking
and that's only some of the things I'm addicted to.
This summer I've added blogging and Facebook to my 'ever growing list of addictions'.
Today I've discovered another one...
a really huge one...
My FAVORITE one of the moment... is my new Nikon D60!!
I'm in L.O.V.E.
I mean, really in love, with this new toy!!!
is why I needed to watch 3 videos this afternoon (just to figure out how to turn it on)...
instead of getting my son ready for his baseball game (so he showed up to catch without his catcher's gear, with the wrong team shirt on--- but he's lucky I even got him there-- because that's really daddy's job since I'm supposed to be across town at football practice.)
and why my house may be falling down around me in the next few days....
and why my kids may not eat healthy food for the next several days...
and why I am in HOG HEAVEN...
and "ANOTHER REASON" why my husband is THE GREATEST!!!!
I finally got my camera... just in time to take some great photos when we go down to Newport beach tomorrow...
just in time for the Dodger game in LA we'll be at on Saturday.
just in time to take some fun football pictures this season.
as soon as I figure out how to use this wonderful new thing... I'll be back to blogging... with some cool pictures I hope!
I also need to nail down the details of our poor children's schooling for next year... preferrable before the first day of school on Monday...
so I might need to take some time to do that soon (since Tony can't be bothered with "stuff like that"... it's all about priorities Baby.
I also might want to consider working in my classroom sometime between now and ... say, tomorrow! Since I'm running out of opportunities to do my classroom before school starts next week. ahhh
I told you all I needed a longer summer break....
purple is....
16 years ago
You forgot your number 1 priority... YOUR HUSBAND!!!!! I'm sure he'll forgive you for leaving that little deatil off your list!?!
I would love a new camera too! Have fun with yours and i'm looking forward to seeing some of those photos that you take with it!
Oh to have a new camera! Maybe if I ask santa. ;)
I think you and I would get along great...we have all the same addictions. (But how could you forget CHOCOLATE!?) Someday I'd like to upgrade my camera from my little ole kodak easyshare. Let me know how you like it!!
A new camera? I am so jealous! What kind did you get? I want a canon rebel...
I would love a new camera! I bet you will have great pics on here before to long!
I can't wait to see more blogs and pictures! My friend just got the same camera and is in LOVE! :)
can't wait to see the pics from your new camera! so exciting. sounds like you have a busy but exciting next couple of days.
Have Fun!
I love new things, can't wait to see your new pictures.
Congrats on the camera---it's always fun to get a new toy, esp. a cool one like that :)
This post makes me giggle too... as I just bought an Olympus E-Volt 510 a few weeks ago, and still have not figured out how to turn off the red eye flash sensor.
My kids run now when they see me coming with my new camera in hand.
Now, how do I transfer all these images onto my computer and organize all those folders?
Isn't a successful life measure in the number of vices we acquire? Enjoy guilt free.
And it's the kids responsibility to get their game gear together. Mine always leave it to the last minute and forget something. They try and blame me but No Way!
I am so drooling over your camera. I so need me one of those!
Girl...... I can RELATED to this post.. something awful!! I just got the D80 and I sleep at night with it beside my bed so I can play with it and read the manual!! LOL LOL.. I've taken some good pictures with it.. you WILL LOVE IT!!! I was going to get the 60 but the 80 was better because I already have Nikon lenses that I can use with it!!
I wanna see pics!!
I think you do need a longer summer, I didn't realize you were a teacher. I am very jealous of your new camera. I thinking of starting the begging process for a cannon slr for christmas, we'll see if I get it!!
For my birthday last year I got a D40. I love it. I still have not taken as much time as I would like to learn it. I can put it on auto and take shots. I need to learn the settings more. Have fun I know I sure have.
Girl, you really have a LIST...can't wait to see some of your pics from your new camera...
I like the new background. I have addictions also. Blogs being one of them :) Have a great rest of the summer.
Woo hoo!!! New camera! Awesome! And your blog looks beautiful! So...is that "anonymous" person over there Tony? It is, isn't it? I know I'm right. :)
Hope you're doing well!
i'm on the hunt now for a new camera so let me know more about what yours is like!!
Hey love the new look you have for your blog!
Love your new look! What type of camera did you get? I'm learning to use my husband's until I get a new one.
Congrats on the camera! I can't wait to see the results of all your time watching the video how-tos! I can not stand to READ those manuals they come with and so a video would be great. I usually just try and figure tech things out by trial and error and then end up missing out on half the stuff they can do!
I just love your blog. I love the way you write!
I got a new camera in December, still haven't figured out half of it! Hard to find time!
Enjoy your new toy!
Your blog looks great!
Oh...we could be such great friends IRL!
We have the same addictions.
I just got the Nikon D40.
You got the newer model.
When you figure it out...please give me a tutorial.
I am still living in the auto mode.
I'm so jealous that you got the Nikon D60. I was looking at that beauty. I was also looking at the Nikon D80. Just a tad out of my price range but beautiful just the same. Have fun with your new camera.
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