Every once in a while... I get to enjoy of monumental mommy moment that will forever be impressed on my forgetful heart.
Today I cried --- and I NEVER cry!
let me back up...
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine myself as a homeschooling mama.
For many reasons-- not the least of which is that I'm a public school teacher!
I've questioned our decision to do it this year... more times than I can count. Some days I just feel like they didn't "get enough"... and I should have been more patient... Yada, Yada.
Yesterday the 3 oldest boys had their end of the year testing. And when my "most challenging" son came out of test within about 25 minutes... I cringed. When my "Genius" child came out, half drugged because of his allergies and said, "I had to just guess on a few mom, I can't even breathe. I just wanted to be DONE." I rolled my eyes and thought, "That's just great - Some teacher I've turned out to be!".
BUT the kicker was having to wait an extra 2 hours, wondering "WHAT IN THE world??? A test that was "supposed to take all of an hour, ended up being more than 3 hours, and when the poor guy came out, he said: Mom... IT WAS SOOOO HARD--
I was worried. BIG TIME!
Worried that I hadn't done enough.
That we hadn't made the right choice in home schooling these boys.
But as it turns out...
I cried today...
Not because my "genius" child made "tremendous growth" ... He's always done that.
Not because my "smart" and "challenging" wonderboy increased his percentile scores more than he's ever done before. He's the kid that learns "inspite of," not "because of" how good his teacher is. He's lucky.
I cried today because my baby boy who has struggle EVERY day of his life in school... and has always been YEARS behind in school (which was why this journey even began)... Not only did he improve from being in the bottom 5 percentile in EVERY category on the STAR test for the last 3 years, even after being retained...
BUT because he scored IN THE 90 - 97 Percentile in EVERY subject--- which means he's ABOVE grade level... and in some areas... more than 2 years ahead!!!
I cried today for the first time in... FOREVER... because,
maybe, just maybe...
Thanks MOM!!!
BECAUSE WITHOUT YOU>>> It wouldn't have been possible!
I love you!
purple is....
16 years ago
Way To Go!!! Great job!!
Whaaahoooo!! Good for you mom, and great going BOYS!!
Way to go mom!!! Keep it up boys!
God is good
Wow that is wonderful! I can see why you cryed. Way to go everyone did great.
I would have cried too. That's amazing!!!
Wow! That is amazing! Makes me wonder if this is something that I should be considering even though I feel like there's no way I could ever do it.
I'm so happy for you & your boys!
That's great! Congrats to both of you!
CLEARLY, you made the right decision. Well done! And well done boys!
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you all! That is amazing!
I just read your post out loud to my husband. I've emailed with you before about the school struggles regarding my middle son "Fire". I came here to ask you to read the post I did today, to ask for your input on what we should do next. Things are so bad at school that even my husband is thinking about homeschooling, so to see your post was perfect, LOL!
Again, congrats, and so happy for you all!
Yeahhhhh I'm so excited for you!!
I am glad that you are committed to it......GOOD JOB!!
Congrats on a job well done!!!!
Way to go to all of you!! That is awesome! Especially meaningful because my 2nd grader is facing her first year of STAR testing next week... and lets just say I'm a tad nervous about it. Thanks for the encouragement! =0)
Congratulations! That is wonderful, fabulous news.
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