doing the "home schooling" thing.
AJ is LOVING life, maybe because he's getting away with murder!!!
This is "scrapping 101" ... as in - our new "writing curriculum" for the year
And then of course, here is his DARLING tutor... who took him "bowling" for PE today. Followed by starbucks and a trip to the library to do some "stuff." And today was my first day of school with my students... SO I am EXHAUSTED!!!
But... I lOVE, LOVE, LOVE my class, so that's ok!
Except that today is also...
TONY's Birthday!!
yeah... we'll have to get to celebrating that this weekend... when we have a chance to come up for air because it's a 3 DAY WEEKEND!!!
By then, I'm hoping I'll be able to do more than just text my hubby a "happy b-day," don't be late for football," "no I don't want anything from the drive thru for dinner" message on his phone.
wow... that even sounds worse than it felt when we we're living it out today; but there are times when I'm thankful for the fact that he's not the "sensitive" type; because let me just say, if this was how my birthday went... there'd be trouble in paradise... followed by an ever-so-large shoe shopping spree (hmmm, maybe not a bad thing???)
But... life is good! Crazy.... but good!