At 18 years old I went away to college and discovered the love of my life. It definitely didn't start off that way; it took me several years to "get on board" with that plan. But, Tony... thanks for not giving me up, and endulging me in so many things! I wanted to write some wonderfully clever tribute to you for Valentine's Day, but I don't know where to begin. There are so many reason's I love you... How do you put 17 years into words??? I don't know... but here's what I do know:
I love you... so much! I love you for being my anchor through the storms of life. I love you for being the father that I knew you would be. I love you for doing ALL our laundry for the last 17 years (yes, we've only been married for 14 but since you started doing my laundry in college, and never stopped - I think I should of married you for that reason alone)! I love you for doing all the housework (I'm SOOO "over" being hurt that you don't let me do it all). I love you for bringing me breakfast in bed, even though I'm trying to diet. I love you for making the boys lunches every day, even though I think it's crazy you make 4 different kinds of sandwiches. I love you for running bubble baths for me, and making "sure the candles are lit." I love you for coming to my class to run races with the kids for P.E. when you really don't have time, and never giving me a hard time about all the money I spend on my students. I love your generous and kind spirit. I love you for being determined to make our relationship work, when nearly everyone thought we shouldn't be together because of our backgrounds. I love you for being the leader in our home. I love you for wanting the best for me and the boys. I love you for loving my family so much. I love you for letting me "have my moments." I love you for trusting me. I love you for forgiving me for all the times I've let past experiences distort my perception of how things are now. I love you for standing beside me in difficult decisions with the boys. I love you so much for taking care of everything through all my surgeries. I love you for all you've given up. I love you for your determination to be a better person, and wanting the same for me. I love you for being the best friend I have. I love you for calling me a dozen times a day to remind me how much you love me, even though we "just talked" 2 minutes ago. I love you for not be jealous, possessive, or demanding. I love you for being the hopeless romantic. I love you for the great letters that you write to me and the boys all the time. I love you for crawling out on the roof in your undies, in the cold wind and rain, to cut down branches that are keeping me awake. I love you for not "keeping score" in our marriage. I love you for not getting mad when I forget your "exact" birthday (I'm only off by a day). I love you for making me laugh. I love you for trying not to embarrass me... even though it takes SO little. I love you for being understanding. I love you for not caring what other people think. I love you for your silly heart. I love you for your willingness to help any friend, at any time. I love you for buying me shoes that I don't need, just because you know I'll like them. I love you for thinking I deserve so much better more I really do. I love you for working so hard. I love you for being such a great example for the boys. And, I love you for a million other things you do...
Happy Valentine's Day... I love you .
purple is....
16 years ago
Oh Rachel! What a lovely tribute to your husband...really. It was wonderful to read, and I have to admit, some of it made me wish I was married to him!!!
To those of you who might have read this particular blog. My wife is REALLY the amazing one. Back in 1996, sometime around easter, she began what turned out to be a 4 and 1/2 year journey of pregnancy. That's right, 4 1/2 years STRAIGHT, being irritable, uncomfortable, and cuter than ever. She was amazing. When all was said and done, we had 4 amazing boys! Granted, they were ages 5 to 1, but that didn't seem to phase her one bit. I did try to help as best I knew how, and I think I did O.K. (she seems to think I'm a keeper!!!) I just figured she deserves the world, because she is MY world. I love you Punkin, and every day I get to be with you is the best day of my life. You are beautiful, inside and out, and I thank God every day for you. Love FOREVER, Tony
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