This is how happy AJ is to help spend that much to get to a Dodger game...
This is how happy mommy is that her 10 year old baby is happy at the Dodger game...
This is how happy the 6 boys are to be watching Dodgers warm up for batting practice several hours before the game starts... (because a 3 hour game is apparently not long enough, and we had room to bring a friend, so why not take another boy to make the trip even more loud... I meant "more fun" (honest)
and your over-joyed 89 year-old great-grandma Faith on our return trip home.
Overall... I'd say that it was a great birthday weekend son...
PS... I'm not coming out of my room for the next 48 hours because I need to recover from being in the car that long, with that many loud boys, with ALL that energy... but feel free to ask me and your daddy to do it again in 10 years -- we might be up for it again by then!
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! As you can tell, I'm in a blogging slump!! lol Anyway, I will have to stop by here once in a while to see what's it's like having boys since we can't seem to get one of those...
Your Dodger day looked really fun! I love going to ballgames, but it's the Cincinnati Reds for us!
come back and visit again!
Oh wow!!! What fun!!! You all looked thrilled! Holy crap on the gas price...and holy porno on the "Tony eating a hot dog" pic!
I about choked when I saw $150.00!!
Oh my goodness!
But, hey it looks like you all had such a great time! Especially the boys.
Hope you are enjoying some peace and quiet. Another advantage of blogging, no noise! :)
What a great day! We just got back from Moab, a 7 hour drive from our house. I feel your pain, I don't want all the boys in the car again for a while!
Glad you had a fun baseball day. Happy Birthday AJ!
Oooh! How fun! We are big baseball fans too. Haven't made it to a game yet, but now we are close to two parks... yay!
The gas is crazy, we really felt it, driving cross-country with our Suburban. Ouch. And not to mention the unexpected $900+ brake job in the middle of TX... fun times.
I love the new header pic!! Happy belated birthday to AJ.
We always bring extras too! What's one more boy? And I always need time to myself when we return home!
Looks like a fabulous day of baseball!!! You can't beat that!! :) ~Jill
OMG what fun! I'd say that was a great birthday.
OMGoodness... what a great trip!
For the boys I mean.
My boys went to Atlanta last summer for a Braves weekend... I was not invited!
I was happy to stay home.
$12 for a Hotdog...really?
Holy cow! I don't know what to be more shocked about--the price of gas or the hotdog. Their both insane! You all looked like you had such a fun time. We went to a Dodger's game on our LA trip 9 years ago. My husband's dream is to see a game in every Major League stadium in the country.
My husband is a huge Astros fan, and we always have to be at the game in time for batting practice. Now that we live in Florida, we do spring training games... and we even have to be early for those!
Great memories for your boys! I love that you took a picture of the gas pump. YIKES!!
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