Late Family Fun Nights... Night Swimming...
Working in the yard with the boys...
Swimming with family and friends...

Taking the Boys to hear John MacArthur on our way to Newport Beach or LA.
What great memories he represents for Tony and I!!!
(hmmmm... not so much for Caden apparently - stinker!)
Going to ball games...

Taking the Boys to hear John MacArthur on our way to Newport Beach or LA.
What great memories he represents for Tony and I!!!
(hmmmm... not so much for Caden apparently - stinker!)
Going to ball games...

Great pictures! I love being outside in the evening during the summer too. Here's to making great memories this summer :)
I love your list! You guys actually know John McArthur? Great to listen too!
How old are your boys?
Awwwwwwwww! If a 33 year-old woman shows up at your door dressed as a little's just because she wants to join in the fun. Please include her. Him. Whatever.
Great pics!
I love your top 10 list!
I LOVE your summer too!
Glad to hear that you are enjoying your time with all of those boys.
Now, I must go make myself a smore! Yummy!
Loved all the pictures... the top one is great. Does it ever hit you when you see a picture like that... "oh my goodness 4 boys" :) I can not imagine having 6. Oh my!
Looks like you guys are off to a great summer.
I agree, summer is the best! One thing I would add to the list: No homework.
Love the pictures!
Awesome summer fun list! I guess I now have to google "John McArthur" to find out what I've missed. I enjoy posting those fun summer pics, too. I totally agree about the "no homework" comment already left. I'm glad we have survived the 5th grade in this house with son #1. Stop by and see me again sometime in blogworld. I hope to have more pics posted soon!
♡ Those all look like so much fun!!! :)
Glad you're all having so much fun :)
Ohh that looks like such fun. Well my fun is just beginning with my 4 little boys. Our school holidays started today although it's winter here. Can't wait for sunshine again!!
Great Top 10!
Sounds like a great summer for your cute family!!!
what my boys wouldn't give to stay up late swimming and then sitting around a fire!!! looks like fun!!
Don't you just love summer?! Great list. We'd love to enjoy it too... if it just wasn't so hot and humid outside!!!
Great list!! ~Jill :)
Night swimming is one of my absolute favorite parts of summertime!!!!
Love your list!!
I just found you through Boymom and her t-shirts. I am adding you to my Boy Stops blog list! Love reading about your family. Nice to meet another Boymom. Looks like you guys are really enjoying the summer.
Every thing you have on here sounds so very fun. Great pictures by the way. I love summer! It just seems to go by way to fast.
That all looks like a ton of fun! Happy Summer!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comment. You survived 4 boys (twice as many as me!) under 4 so I know there is promise! Thanks again! : )
So the $400,000 was worth it!
love dad
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