I ran across this meme several times, and thought I'd do it too.
Here's my freshly painted red bathroom: (thanks for the inspiration to paint kristen!)
And look... it's even got cleaner in the toilet...imagine that!
And here's my favorite room...
even though there's stuff all over the table...
I really love sitting around the dining room table with the boys, either to eat or do projects with them.
I mentioned that it took me forever to do this... and I still didn't get the pictures in the right order...
But, here's the awful color I painted the bathroom a few weeks ago when I first decided that it wouldn't be too much work to paint it.
Here's a wall in my closet:
Here's one of my favorite shoes... (thanks to McMommy... I already had a picture)
This is what my boys were doing when I originally started fiddling on the computer (they've long since gone to bed, seeings how... it took me so long to actually finish the meme.
Are they cute or what!
Watching ESPN is one of their favorite things to do.
Here's my laundry ... (not bad- Tony is really good about never having more than 1 or 2 loads to do) Yep, he's been doing the laundry since we were in college... reason # 3457 that I finally decided to marry him. I need to remember that more often!
Here's my "self portrait" ... of me scrapping in Cabo (because... I was trying to keep my picture "family friendly" and I'm ready for bed - I had to search for a picture of myself that had already been taken.
Note to self... Holy cow... with 7500 pictures on your computer... don't you think you should have one or two of yourself that you wouldn't mind posting? The boys might want to actually have pictures of their mom later on. ya, ya...

ah... vacation...
Moving on... here's my fridge. (which was supposed to be first, but oh well. (See that "very worn" paper... that would be the key to our parenting: straight from "Shepherding a Child's heart"... amazing book moms!)
Here's the sink... Can you can see the AJAX inside it? Don't forget to take note of the hot guy loading the dishwasher who will be scrubbing that sink!
(because... I'm busy taking pictures for the blog of course)
And here's the last picture...
Just so you can see again what color the bathroom was a few weeks ago... before I decided "it wouldn't be too much work to paint the bathroom again". (What was I thinking???)

I'm so glad I kept Mr. Chicken's kinder class photo from his night at the Mac house... just so you all could appreciate my pretty blue bathroom walls....
thanks for stopping by my blog.
your boys are so handsome and I LOVE your closet. our old farmhouse has not one closet in it. Not one!
Nice rooms! Nice colors! Still hate you for your closet, though!
I am so happy you played!!
I am DROOLING over your closet!!! I so need you to come over and help me organize mine.
And I also loved the picture of your boys all on the couch watching ESPN. That pic almost made me want to have a couple more babies so they could all be friends like yours are!!!!!!
You did a great job with the photos! I love the ESPN photo!
We don't have many pictures of me . . . I am always the one taking them too!
Happy weekend!
i covet your closet organizer- how awesome!
It's amazing how long it takes to paint one small bathroom, isn't it? I thought the same thing each time we tackled one of ours.
I'm so jealous your hubby does the laundry!! Does he fold & put it away too?
That was too fun!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the bathroom colors, the picture of the chicken, you scrapping (you look FABULOUS) and the picture of the boys watching ESPN. I bet you hear that channel ALOT in your house!
What a fun post!! I LOVE seeing everyone's real life. :)
That post was fun, but a lot of work, I know. Thanks for sharing. I love the closet! My husband also does the laundry, what great guys we have! Now our boys can learn to do laundry and our daughter-in-laws will love us even more.
ha ha love that toilet picture! Great!
Wasn't that fun! :) I LOVE your closet... too cool.
sooooo love the last photo!
♡ I love color on the walls! :)
Thanks for visiting...so glad God could help so early in the morning!!
Okay---so I am in LOVE with the closet..WOW!!!
And those shoes!! Where can I get some????lol...LOVE them!!
Four boys? You are an inspiration!!
I not only drool over your closet but the clothes themselves... I'm still desperately trying to complete my post-babies wardrobe. But it's a very slow process. And I don't have much to show for it yet.
Love the picture of the chicken reading on the toilet. Hilarious! And we love, "Shepherding a Child's Heart" also.
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