Last night I was playing around on my blog and completely messed it up... and I need a little help here... *Note to self... you're not so good with computers... find someone else to help you with your blog!!!* **thoughts anyone??
After basketball camp,
and our trip to the library,
and lunch with daddy,
and bowling with the kids,
and my nap/rest/cuddle time with ... I think it's Colton's turn...
Then we'll all go swimming and clean up before dad comes home...
But after I go to supper club with our best buds who are returning from Africa tonight,
and football physicals for the boys...
I'm hoping to get a minute to work on my blog...
so please leave a comment if I can add you to my list of favorite blog reads...
because I just deleted most of them from my bookmarks!
NICE hugh???
purple is....
16 years ago
That would not make for a good day for me! Sorry to hear you deleted everyone from your bookmarks!
Please include me in your blog roll!
I have the worst time with computers.....needless to say we have a "computer guy" I call on quite a bit. You have a beautiful family ;)
I am not good with computers either!! I paid someone to design my blog and my friend said..."Oh, I change mine every month cuz I know HTML." I looked at her and said "shut up!"
Oh these computers can be so frustrating! Sometimes I just have to walk away and de-stress before I can even look at it! Thankfully I have an older son who is a whiz...IF he is home to help!
And please include me too!
Our computer hard drive crashed a couple of weeks ago...grrrr.I would love to be included, even though I wasn't up there before...your choice. I will NOT be offended at all...PROMISE! But I will be checking in with you to support/ encourage with the homeschooling thing!
I stink with computers too. I hope it doesn't take you too long to get everything back the way you like it.
I hate it when that happens. I'll be sending happy blogging vibes your way.
OH,NO! Not sure what you did here!
That's what happens when you mess with perfection.
Good luck, wish I could help!
busy day... hope you get your blog fixed the way you like it soon
I'd love to be added to your list.
As for your blog issues....have you checked out Leelou Blogs?
They give you instructions on how to download different things.
(If I can do it, anyone can.)
Sorry to hear about your blog. I am not so good with computers either. I hope you get it all figured out and then you can come over and teach me some stuff.
Take care - Kellan
I hope you are able to fix the problem! I know I don't post often but I always check your blog out to see what is new.
You might also want to try going to:
Then type in your concern in the search bar on the blog. They are great with all kinds of issues. Very easy to follow directions on recovery and ideas to help make blogging easy.
I consider myself "technotarded".
I got nothing.
Just keep playing with it.
That is what I do.
Until I finally figure it out.
Leelou Blogs or Cutest Blog on the Block will walk you through a couple of steps.(free) and wa-la
you have a new look!
You may want to check them out.
Oh, Girl. Your blog is so blank. I am sorry I am bad with computers too. As you can tell from my blog it is not as happening as some.
Please add me.
I too am in the middle of a crisis. I have somehow changed all the writting on my computer (ebay included) to large. Sick of sitting here trying to figure out how to ghange it back ARRRRGGGGGHH.
Suggestions take if anyone has the answer. please !!!!
I messed mine up too.. I think I prayed and cried really hard to get it fixed!
I like the Cutestblogontheblock for their templates!
Also check out my friend "My Life with Five Children" She's saved my butt many times, by fixing what I messed up! (She's a sweetie and would help you figure it out in a heartbeat!)
Add me, Add me!!!
So sorry to hear that all went kaput! I just hate that!!
hope your weekend is somewhat restful! :)
Good luck with getting the problem fixed! Computers don't like me very much:-/
If you go into the customise bit on blogger there is an option there about adding a blog roll.
Hope you get it up and running!!
I'm not doing a video for the pull tab album because I'll be teaching that class at OFTM. I gotta help your sis out, so I can't post a video till after the class otherwise people won't take the class. I can show you how to do that any time though. I'll be at the store every Monday starting next month to teach little classes. I'm sure your sis wouldn't mind me showing you some of that! I hope you do come Saturday, my Mother in Law is taking the class that day.
If it weren't for hubby, I'd be lost with the whole blogging thingy.=)
Hope you get it straightened out!
OH NO!! Sorry about your blog. I have enjoyed reading it though. I would love to be included in your blog roll!
No, just kidding. Just plop me back up there! I was one of your firsts, you know!!! *blushing*
After Thursday Thrills, I hope you have a non-Freaky Friday. We MothersofBrothers would love to be on your blogroll!
I left something for you at my blog...
not that great on computers either! it is definitely a learning process...
sounds like you had a busy day!
Thank you for the good book idea. I have it and have read it, but I'm sure I will need to read it at least once a year. That was one of my favorite so far! Let me know if you have anymore good finds, I love child rearing books. I'm reading a great one right now, The Mother at Home.
Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks for the comment, how did you find my blog? I hope you will be back!
Hey, thanks for stopping buy. Your blog is awesome. I love reading about mom's with mostly boys.
Sorry about your computer mishaps. I am so glad that I have a resident computer god at my house (my hubby), it makes this so much easier. I am so lucky ;)
Hope it all works out.
Oh bummer!
Computers aren't my thing, either!
oh no!!! I hope your missing blog parts reappear quickly!!! I am enjoying reading your blog, and liked the links to boy blogs. You can add me. :) ALOHA!
I have So been there and done the exact same thing.
It is beyond frustrating.
I know accept that I am technically challenged and don't even try.
Now I pay people for their help!
Oh, big bummer with the blog roll. I think I would cry if I lost all my peeps. Which reminds me, I need to update my peeps.
The blog is looking good. You'll get it back to where you had it...and if we only had another day in the week. Right? Ugh! As my daughters LOVE saying to me "good luck with that!" Only, when I say it... I actually mean it. So, good luck with that.
Oh.. some beautiful little children that bless my house deleted my saved favorites a few nights ago.. and a friend found them for me... but.. I then lost them again cause I clicked out of them.. didn't have the heart to ask again.. tee hee...
I love your blog.. it's adorable.. and what an adorable family!! Thanks for visiting mine!!!
My hubby.. he surely could get your hubby to buy you an amazing camera... he's AWESOME with people and could sell you a wool jacket on a 104 degree day!! LOL LOL.. he's amazing!!
Hey Rachel! Here is the link to my youtube videos! Thanks for taking the class Friday I hope you enjoyed it!
My word. What happened! Good luck with that. Computers = doom. Can't live with 'em, can't live with out.
I did that once on my blog, but it turned out to be o.k. because there is a new area to add blogs you read and it puts them in order for you where the old way didn't. In the end I was happy it happened.
Good luck rebuilding.
You know how sometimes to save time you just spot read...Well I read that your blog was messed up and then noticed 3boys247/testosterone zone tales wasn't listed anymore. I thought, what did I do, did I make Rachel mad, I stop by all the time, I usually comment, why would she delete me? Then I really read the post.
Ooops, can you...umm, please add me to your blog roll?
I also use cutestblogonthe block for my template, it's FREE!
bummer, I deleted mine once too. It was a pain to redo.
Don't you just love computers? I'm actually halfway functional with them, they still drive me crazy! Cars do too! Anyway...hang in there, you'll be blogging like a pro again in no time! I'm sending positive vibes into cyberspace on your behalf! If that doesn't work, we'll call the GeekSquad.
This sure sounds like something I would do! One wrong button and I can't find anything. Good Luck !!!!
Hi there! Wow, you are a busy woman! Good luck with getting your blog just right! And try to take a few minutes to relax! Yes I said - relax. I know that is a word us moms do not know very well. (:
Orange? Are you making a Halloween album too? So you are indefinitely going to need a ribbon rack like mine then! I've out grown mine so I have to stock up on some more ribbon and have Garett make me another one he he . Ok so I'm posting this comment right now and the verification code down below is a four letter word starting with "F"!! What's up with that lol! Well it's that word with a "D" at the end. I just noticed it. you think they would pick better letter assortments!
have you still not figured it out?!
i've done that messing around thing... and i could have killed myself... screaming at the top of my lungs that i wanted a back button :) good luck
If blogging wasn't just so much fun (and cheap therapy) it wouldn't be worth all the computer troubles!
Good luck!
Oh wow. That would be so frustrating! Hope you got it all worked out.
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