This week was Vacation Bible School at the church for the boys.
Another monumental moment for me (more for me than for them) because ALL 4 went... without me... the entire time... for the first time... ever.
It was... It is... so sad... in a "weird and lame" kind of way!
I thought I'd have a good 3 hours to scrap, or shop, or blog... (NO... the thought of doing the laundry, or catching up on the housework, or any other # of things I really should have been doing... ever crossed my mind -b.c. well, who wants to do that???)
And I tried to do some of that... but mostly I just looked at the clock... anxiously awaiting when I could go pick them up because I really miss them ... A LOT... so tomorrow ... the third and last day of VBS--
I'm going to drop them off right at 10:00 am (instead of 10:15ish and leaving around 10:30)...
and I'm not going to pick them up at 12:40 (since it's not really over until 1:00 pm)...
and I'm going to ...
go buy some cute shoes - since I'm sure I need some. HA
purple is....
16 years ago
Gosh, i sound like you, i look forward to some quiet time to catch up with myself, but i end up twiddling my fingers not knowing what to do with myself. The house is just too quiet without them!
Have fun shoe shopping. I love shoes!! A lady after my own heart!!
Awwww, You're so cute. I think I'm going to be going through the same thing as you. My little one starts preschool in September. I really thought I'd look forward to some me time but now I'm not sure. I feel a little sad that she is already starting school. I know she is ready. I don't think I'm ready. LOL!!
aw I am so sad you couldn't scrap. I would be in heaven with a break like that. Iallthough I would probably sleep instead of doing anything. Hope you find cute shoes.
Goodness, that's sweet! My youngest is 10 and I have just now let him out of my sight! My kids are never away from me and when he left to visit his grandparents, instead of doing things around the house, I have done nothing!!
Have fun shopping for shoes!
Aww. They just grow up too fast, don't they?
you always need cute shoes!
I am so jealous! I hope to "drop and go" next year. Have a fun time shoe shopping!
LOL, Oh, I completely understand :)
This is my first year dropping off all 4 of mine too. I know how you feel. I no longer have anymore babies. I surely feel your pain.
I so understand missing them when they are gone. I had two boys away for 4 days each last week (one day overlapping) and it seemed like something was missing with just 2 left behind.
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