Late Family Fun Nights... Night Swimming...

Taking the Boys to hear John MacArthur on our way to Newport Beach or LA.
What great memories he represents for Tony and I!!!
(hmmmm... not so much for Caden apparently - stinker!)
Going to ball games...

Moving on... here's my fridge. (which was supposed to be first, but oh well. (See that "very worn" paper... that would be the key to our parenting: straight from "Shepherding a Child's heart"... amazing book moms!)
Here's the sink... Can you can see the AJAX inside it? Don't forget to take note of the hot guy loading the dishwasher who will be scrubbing that sink!
Today was a ... see "how many things I can cram in" day. And I love the feeling of checking things off of my 'to do' list.
I love that you're a father that we've ALWAYS been able to look up to and admire as you continue to be a wise, and godly man (in spite of us, sometimes... *grin*)
I don't know how we got to be so blessed to have you as our father... but I'm sure thankful that you are!
I love you dad... and I'll never get tired of Cinderella!
This is how happy AJ is to help spend that much to get to a Dodger game...
This is how happy mommy is that her 10 year old baby is happy at the Dodger game...
This is how happy the 6 boys are to be watching Dodgers warm up for batting practice several hours before the game starts... (because a 3 hour game is apparently not long enough, and we had room to bring a friend, so why not take another boy to make the trip even more loud... I meant "more fun" (honest)
and your over-joyed 89 year-old great-grandma Faith on our return trip home.
Overall... I'd say that it was a great birthday weekend son...
PS... I'm not coming out of my room for the next 48 hours because I need to recover from being in the car that long, with that many loud boys, with ALL that energy... but feel free to ask me and your daddy to do it again in 10 years -- we might be up for it again by then!
And... here's the kinder graduate... with his great toofless smile! Gosh, I love this baby!
And then... there was the twin's graduation... my niece and nephew graduated from 8th grade!
There couldn't be 2 better children on the planet! I am so proud to say they're mine. They are what every parent hopes and dreams that their kids will become. They are smart and beautiful... with hearts of gold! I pray my own 4 boys learn well from them... the important things in life. Good job sis... you single-handedly are doing an AMAZING job! Today was evidence of that! I'm proud of all three of you!
Josh spoke at the graduation ceremony... and we were all in tears!
Never to be out-done by his twin... Cassandra followed her brother with an amazing performance of her own. I've never seen this done at a graduation before... it's fantastic! And I was ever so happy to finally learn how to use my camera (quite by accident) to record this just in time to share on my blog!
Cassandra is the cutie on the right!
How can you ask for a better day than that?